The ASNT Foundation Fellowship Program is dedicated to advancing research and innovation in the field of nondestructive testing (NDT). By supporting graduate students and early-career professionals, we aim to foster the next generation of NDT leaders and researchers. Our fellowships provide vital funding to explore groundbreaking ideas, develop new technologies, and contribute to the growth and excellence of the NDT community.
ASNT Foundation Fellowship
Advancing research and innovation in nondestructive testing
Submit an ApplicationForm of Award
$20,000 in funding.
Funding begins in July. The funds are directed to the contracting office of the university or college department of the recipient for disbursal as described in the proposal.
Recognition of selected awardees are presented at the ASNT Annual Conference.
Fellowship student recipients have the opportunity to submit their research findings for presentation at an ASNT Research Symposium following the completion of the research.
A paper on the completed research must be submitted to ASNT no later than 24 months after the start date indicated on the proposal. You will have the option to submit your paper to Materials Evaluation (ME) or Research in Nondestructive Evaluation (RNDE).
Academic institutions with graduate educational research programs are eligible for the Fellowship Award.
Up to five recipients are selected annually. Submissions are critically reviewed on the contents and quality using the following guidelines:
How novel is the research
Value of potential contribution
Soundness of technical approach
Scope of the proposed research effort
Potential for successful completion
Adequacy of the proposal team
Adequacy of the facilities
The application should be in the form of a proposal for a graduate level research project from the university outlining what the program or graduate study activity will consist of and how long they will manage the Fellowship. All Fellowship proposals should be formatted as follows:
Length: The proposal, with all supporting materials, should not exceed 20 one-sided pages.
Title Page: Should list the title, school name, the faculty member(s) submitting the proposal, the name of the students, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. It should also specify the anticipated start date, estimated date of completion, and to whom the funds are to be disbursed.
Abstract: A brief executive summary of the nature and scope of the research to be performed.
Research Proposal: This should contain a detailed description of the graduate research project, indicating the objectives, planned approach, and expected results.
Program of Study: Provide a brief description of the actual or typical program of study of the student. A brief catalog description of the indicated courses is helpful.
Research Facilities: This should include a description of the research facilities, equipment, and other appropriate resources available for use on this project.
Budget: This should indicate the resources dedicated to the project. The proposed use of Fellowship funds should be indicated explicitly. None of the Fellowship funds can be used for overhead or indirect institution expenses.
Background Information: This should include a resume or background information for both the faculty advisor(s) and the student.
Applications are due 31 January.
Have Any Questions?
Michigan State University: "Harmonic Imaging - Theoretical and Experimental method"
Sunil Kishore Chakprani, PhD, Faculty
Yoganandh Madhuranthakam, Student
Pennsylvania State University: "Detection of subwavelength cracks in anisotropic silicon using high frequency focused ultrasound"
Andrea Arguelles, PhD, Faculty
Lauren Katch, Student
Southern Illinois University Carbondale: "Convolutional Neural Networks for Additive Manufacturing Defect Detection"
Tsuchin Philip Chu, PhD, Faculty
Connor Seavers, Student
University of Pittsburgh: "Vibration Nondestructive Testing of Continuous Welded Rails"
Piervincenzo Rizzo, PhD, Faculty
Alireza Enshaeian, Student
University of Texas at Austin: "A Sensing System for Monitoring Dry Shielded Canisters"
Salvatore Salamone, PhD, Faculty
Guan-Wei Lee, Student
New York University: "In Process Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation for Defect Detection in Additive Manufacturing"
Nikhil Gupta, PhD, Faculty
Youssef AbouelNour, Student
Georgia Southern University: “Resonance-Based NDE and Material Properties Correlation Quantification for NDE 4.0 Applications”
Hossein Taheri, PhD, Faculty
Nathan Widem, Student
Michigan State University: “In-Situ Curing Process Monitoring in Polymers Using Portable Ultrasound Sensor”
Mahmoodul Haq, PhD, Faculty
Shashank Sisodia, Student
University of Maryland: “Vibration Monitoring of Rotating Wind Turbine Blades Using Novel Image-based Tracking Continuous Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometry”
Weidong Zhu, PhD, Faculty
Linfeng Lyu, Student
Pennsylvania State University: Improved Modeling of Ultrasonic Propagation for Non-Destructive Characterization of Complex Materials”
Christopher M. Kube, PhD, Faculty
Anubhav Roy, Student
Georgia Institute of Technology: "Computed Tomography-based Structural Modeling for NDE of Additively Manufactured Lattices"
Christopher Saldana, PhD, Faculty
Elliott W. Jost, Student
Iowa State University: “Corrugated Sensing Skin for Continuous Monitoring of Welds”
Simon Laflamme and David Eisenmann, PhD, Faculty
Han Liu, Student
Michigan State University: “Design of Metamaterial Lens for Enhancing Far Field Microwave Imaging Resolution”
Lalita Udpa, PhD, Faculty
Srijan Datta, Student
Michigan State University: “Application of Guided Waves for Controlled Electromagnetic Targeted Heating of Continuous Bond Line”
Yiming Deng, PhD, and Mahmoodul Haq, PhD, Faculty
Rajendra Prasath Palanisamy, Student
New Mexico State University: “Developing Bio-inspired Tap-testing for Inspection of Wooden Structures”
Ehsan Dehghan-Niri, PhD, Faculty
Hamidreza Nemati, Student
Iowa State University: "Bayesian and data fusion approaches to improve real-time capabilities of in-situ NDE via a thermal imaging case study on a hybrid machine.”
Zhan Zhang and Hantang Qin, Faculty
Xiao Zhang, Graduate Student
New Mexico State University: "Evaluation of Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) cracks on railheads using nonlinear ultrasound in phase-space domain.”
Dr. Ehsan Dehghan-Niri, Faculty
Sina Zamen, Graduate Student
Southern Illinois University: "Ultrasonic Characteristics of Residual Stress in Additively Manufactured Components.”
Dr. Tsuchin Philip Chu, Faculty
Merrill Dennison, Graduate Student
University of Maryland: "Early prediction of fatigue failure and remaining useful life estimation of CFRP materials based on acoustic emission waveform information entropy.”
Mohammad Modarres, Faculty
Seyed Foad Karimian, Graduate Student
University of Pittsburgh: "An integrated NDT system to characterize rocks.”
Dr. Piervincenzo Rizzo and Dr. Andrew Bunger, Faculty
Yuhui Zeng, Graduate Student
Iowa State University: "A Hybrid Non-Destructive Evaluation Probe for Characterization of Oxidized Nuclear Fuel Cladding Alloys"
Nicola Bowler, Professor
Trishelle Copeland-Jones, Graduate Student
Pennsylvania State University: "Linear and Nonlinear Resonance Ultrasonic Spectroscopy for Real-time Process Control of Additively Manufactured Parts"
Parisa Shokouhi and Jacques Riviere, Professors
Prabhakaran Manogharan, Graduate Student
Southern Illinois University: "Critical Porosity Defect Analysis Using Various Modes of Ultrasonic Immersion Testing"
Dr. Tsuchin Philip Chu, Professor
Connor Seavers, Graduate Student
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: "Identification of internal damage mechanisms in metallic glasses via in-situ acoustic emission"
Robert Maass, Professor
Amlan Das, Graduate Student
University of Pittsburgh: "Nonlinear Solitary Waves for the Detection of Corrosion at any Temperature"
Piervincenzo Rizzo, Professor
Hoda Jalali, Graduate Student
University of Texas at Austin: “MEWR – A bio-inspired probabilistic framework for structural health monitoring of complex structures.”
Dr. Salvatore Salamone, Professor
Arvin Ebrahimkhanlou, Graduate Student
Portland State University: “Early-Detection of ASR deterioration in laboratory concrete specimens using full-waveform ultrasonic monitoring.”
Dr. Thomas Schumacher & Dr. Jason Ideker, Professors
Ali Hafiz, Graduate Student
Drexel University: “Identification of Water Pipe Material Based on Stress Wave Propagation.”
Dr. Kurt Sjoblom & Dr. Ivan Bartoli, Professors
Peyman Aminpour, Graduate Student
Georgia Institute of Technology: “Development of a comparison model between second harmonic generation and nonlinear resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to improve material characterization.”
Lawrence Jacobs, Professor
Katherine Marie Scott, Graduate Student
Iowa State University: “Surface Sensing-Based Technique for Nondestructive Evaluation and Prediction in Additive Manufacturing”
An Chen & Simon Laflamme, Professors
Jin Yan, Graduate Student
Brigham Young University: “Vertical Impedance Scanner for Non-destructive Concrete Bridge Deck Assessment without Direct Rebar Attachment.”
Dr. Brian Mazzeo, Professor
Jeffrey Barton, Graduate Student
Texas A&M University: “Ground Penetrating Radar as a Quality Assurance Tool in Hot-Mix Asphalt Road Construction.”
Dr. Dallas Little, Professor & Stephen Sebesta, Technical Advisor
Bryan Wilson, Graduate Student
Virginia Tech: “Seismic NDT for High-Frequency, in SITU Diagnosis of Civil Structures”
Dr. Pablo Tarazaga, Professor
Rodrigo Sarlo, Graduate Student
Michigan State University: ” A Hybrid Electromagnetic Imaging System (HEMIS) for rapid inspection of composites”
Dr. Lalita Udpa, Professor
Saptarshi Mukherjee, Graduate Student
Missouri University of Science and Technology: “Millimeter Wave Evaluation of Surface-Breaking Cracks in the Presence of Significant Surface Corrosion”
Dr. Reza Zoughi, Professor
John Gallion, Graduate Student
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: “Nondestructive Evaluation/Characterization of High Temperature Hydrogen Attack in Carbon Steels.”
Henrique Reis, Professor
John Conway, Graduate Student
Pennsylvania State University “Robot-Delivered Laser Ultrasonics System for Inspection of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Harsh Environments”
Dr. Cliff Lissenden & Dr. Sungho Choi, Professors
Mostafa Hasanian, Graduate Student
Iowa State University: “Study of a Smart Concrete for Enhanced NDT of Large-Scale Structures”
Dr. Simon Laflamme & Dr. Kejin Wang, Professors
Irvin Pinto, Graduate Student
Michigan State University: “Hybrid Acousto-optic Health Monitoring of Structural Composites”
Dr. Mahmoodul Haq, Professor
Oleksii Karpenko, Graduate Student
Iowa State University: ”Wavefield Modeling and Propagation of Ultrasound for Additive Manufacturing Materials”
Timothy Bigelow & Dr. Leonard Bond, Professors
Hossein Taheri, Graduate Student
Northwestern University: “Nanoscale Nondestructive Metrology of Nanoelectrics using Picosecond Ultrasonic Near-Field Optical Microscopy”
Oluwaseyi Balogun, Professor
Xiang Chen, Graduate Student
Missouri University of Science & Technology: “Active Microwave Thermography for Nondestructive Evaluation of FRP-Rehabilitated Concrete Structures”
Kristen M. Donnell & Lesley H. Sneed, Professors
Ali Foudazi, Graduate Student
North Carolina State University: “Large-Area Electrical Resistance Tomography Based Sensing Skin for Reinforced Concrete Structures”
Mohammad Pour-Ghaz & Reza Rashetnia, Professors
North Carolina State University: “High-density Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing Networks for NDE of Composite Materials”
Kara Peters, Professor
William Stewart, Graduate Student
University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Piervincenzo Rizzo & Amir Nasrollahi, Professors
Drexel University: “Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Infrastructure Evaluation”
Antonios Kontsos & Ivan Bartoli, Professors
Andrew Ellenberg, Graduate Student
Iowa State University of Science & Technology Center for NDE: “A Self-Adhesive Capacitive Sensor for Nuclear Power Plant Cables Monitoring”
Nicola Bowler, Professor
Weixing Sun, Graduate Student
Michigan State University: “Microwave Tomography Using Metamaterial-Inspired Reflect Array”
Prem Chahal, Professor
Amin Tayebi, Graduate Student
Missouri University of Science & Technology: “Evaluation of Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites Using Frequency Selective Surfaces”
Kristen M. Donnell & Edward Kinzel, Professors
Dustin Pieper, Graduate Student
Iowa State University: “High Intensity Probe for Magnetic Non-destructive Evaluation”
David Jiles & Ikenna Cajetan Nlebedim, Professors
Neelam Prabhu Gaunkar, Graduate Student
Michigan State University: “Structural Health Monitoring using THz Metamaterial Sensors”
Premjeet Chahal, Professor
Kyoung Park, Graduate Student
The Texas A&M University: “Condition Assessment of Bridge Post-Tensioning Using NDE Methonds”
Stefan Hurlebaus, Professor
Joshua White, Graduate Student
Georgia Institute of Technology: “Load‐enhanced Methods for Lamb Wave in situ NDE of Complex Components”
Jennifer Michaels, professor
Xin Chen, graduate student
Iowa State University: “Dielectrometry Sensors for NDE of Glass‐fiber Polymer‐matrix Composites”
Nicola Bowler, professor
Robert Sheldon, graduate student
University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign: “Nondestructive In‐place Condition Assessment of Concrete Rail Ties using Air‐coupled Ultrasound”
John Popovics, professor
Suyun Ham, graduate student
University of Texas at Austin: “Analysis and Development of a Focused Spark Source for Air‐coupled Ultrasonic NDT”
Jinying Zhu & Michael Haberman, professors
Yi‐Te Tsai, graduate student
West Virginia University: “In Vivo Nanosensors for Defect Identification using Flexible, Optically Transparent, Deformation Responsive Wrinkled Single‐walled Carbon Nanotube Meshes”
Daneesh Simien, professor
Pallavi Anipindi, graduate student
Georgia Institute of Technology: “Non‐Destructive Testing of Thermally Exposed Nickel‐Base Superalloys via Electrical Resistivity Testing and Neutron Scattering Experiments”
Rosario Gerhardt, professor
Ricky Whelchel, graduate student
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Remote Detection of Damage in FRP‐retrofitted Concrete Structures Using Acoustic‐Laser Vibrometry”
Oral Buyukozturk, professor
Justin Chen, graduate student
Michigan State University: “Wireless Ultrasonic Sensor Network Systems for Online Monitoring”
Lalita Udpa, professor
Gerges Dibs, graduate student
The Pennsylvania State University: “A Novel Ultrasonic Vibration Nondestructive Evaluation Technique”
Joseph Rose, professor
Cody Borigo, graduate student
University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign: “X‐Ray Tomographic and Ultrasonic Velocity and Attenuation Measurements of Wooden Blocks Exposed to Controlled Decay”
Henrique Reis, professor
Megan McGovern, graduate student
Case Western Reserve University: “Advanced NDT Technology for Preventing Freezing Damage of Early‐stage Concrete”
Xiong (Bill) Yu, professor
Chen‐Yuan Chung, graduate student
Michigan State University: “Time Reversal Microwave Studies for NDE of Composite Structures”
Lalita Udpa, professor
Charles Bardel, graduate student
Missouri University of Science and Technology: “Improving Efficiency of Microwave Imaging Systems Using Compressive Sensing Technology”
Yahong Rosa Zheng & Reza Zoughi, professors
Hamed Kajbaf, graduate student
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale: “Intelligent Nondestructive Evaluation Expert System for Aircraft Carbon/Carbon Composite Brakes Using Infrared Thermography and Air‐coupled Ultrasound”
Tsuchin Philip Chu, professor
Anish Poudel, graduate student
University of California, San Diego: “Stress Prediction through Nonlinear Ultrasonics in Waveguides”
Francesco Lanza di Scalea, professo
Robert Phillips, graduate student
Iowa State University: “Quantitative Capacitive NDE for Materials Characterization”
Nicola Bowler, professor
Tianming Chen, graduate student
Missouri University of Science and Technology: “Extension of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Synthetic Aperture and Holographic (3D) Imaging to Complex Composite Structures”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Mojtaba Fallahpour, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University: “Defect Characterization Potential in Buried Pipe with Ultrasonic Guided Waves”
Joseph L. Rose, professor
Jia Hua, graduate student
University of Pittsburgh: “Highly Nonlinear Solitary Waves for NDT of Civil Structures”
Piervincenzo Rizzo, professor
Xianglei Ni, graduate student
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: “Global/Local Distributed Strain/Temperature Measurements in Composite Materials”
John C. Duke, Jr., professor
Douglas A. Harold, graduate student
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Far‐Field Airborne Radar for the Condition Assessment of Critical Civil Infrastructures Pipeline”
Oral Buyukozturk, professor
Tzu-Yang Yu, graduate student
University of Missouri – Columbia: “Raman Spectroscopy for the Nondestructive Testing of Composite Materials”
Glenn A. Washer, professor
Frank D. Blum, Jr., graduate student
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: “Development of an NDE Tool for SHM of Advanced Fiber reinforced Composite Material Components”
John C. Duke, professor
Arnab Gupta, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University: “Improved Performance of Long‐Range Guided‐Wave Ultrasonic Inspection of Pipeline”
Joseph L. Rose, professor
Jason K. Van Velsor, graduate student
Stevens Institute of Technology: “Fabrication and Characterization of Nano AFCs as Acoustic Emission Sensor”
Yong Shi, professor
Shiyou Xu, graduate student
University of Maryland, Baltimore County: “Vibration‐Based Structural Damage Detection with Application to Joint Damage Detection”
Weidong Zhu, professor
Kun He, graduate student
Iowa State University: “Air‐Coupled Ultrasonic Inspection of a Carbon Composite Wing Spur – An Industrial Application”
David K. Hsu, professor
Adam H. Kite, graduate student
University of California – San Diego: “Built‐in System for the Structural Health Monitoring of Adhesively‐ Bonded Components in Aerospace Structures”
Francesco Lanza di Scalea, professor
Ivan Bartoli, graduate student
University of Missouri – Rolla: “Combination of Chirped Microwave and Embedded Modulated Scatterer Techniques for Composite Inspection”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Kristen M. Muñoz, graduate student
Brigham Young University: “D‐fiber for Multidimensional Sensor Applications”
Richard H. Selfridge & Stephen M. Schultz, professors
Tyson Lee Lowder, graduate student
Colorado School of Mines: “Real‐Time Determination of Solid Fraction in Semi‐solid Metal Melts Using Ultrasound Techniques”
David L. Olson & Patricio F. Mendez, professors
Joshua E. Jackson, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University: “An Optimized Sensor Grid for Structural Health Monitoring of Modern Aircraft”
Joseph L. Rose, professor
Huidong Gao, graduate student
Colorado School of Mines: “Nondestructive Determination of Nitrogen and Thermally Induced Stress in Austenitic Stainless Steel Weldments Utilizing the Seebeck Effect”
David L. Olson, professor
Angelique N. Lasseigne, student
Michigan State University: “Application of Finite Element Modeling for Magnetooptic Imaging”
Lalita Udpa, professor
Xin Liu, student
University of Missouri – Rolla: “High Resolution Three Dimensional Microwave and Millimeter Wave Imaging”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Rajesh Koganti, student
Iowa State University: “A Novel Nondestructive Testing Approach for Evaluating the Integrity of Superconducting Layered Structures (Planar and Cylindrical Formations)”
Mani Mina, professor
Norm Anderson, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University: “Guided Wave Tuning for Enhanced Tomographic Imaging”
Joseph L. Rose, professor
Bian Hongxin, graduate student
University of Cincinnati: “Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Bridges: Development of Modal Test Calibrated Modeling and Rating Software Tools”
Arthur Helmicki and James Swanson, professors
Scott Kangas and Xiaoyi Wang, graduate students
University of California at San Diego: “Load Measurement and Health Monitoring in Cable Stays via Guided Wave Magnetostrictive Ultrasonics”
Francesco Lanza di Scalea, professor
Piervincenzo Rizzo, graduate student
University of Missouri at Rolla: “Microwave Evaluation of Cyclical Chloride Ingress in Mortar”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Kristen Muñoz, graduate student
University of Akron: “A Transmission Line Model (TLM) for Microwave Nondestructive Evaluation”
Nathan Ida, professor
Razvan Ciocan, graduate student
Johns Hopkins University: “Noncontact and Remote Methods for Railroad Track Inspection and Long Range Detection for Broken Rails”
Robert E. Green, Jr., professor
Shant Kenderian, graduate student
Dartmouth College: “Damage Localization in Smart Structures Using Vibration‐Based Nondestructive Evaluation Metrics”
Laura R. Ray, professor
Bong-Hwan Koh, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University: “Guided Wave Frequency and Phase Velocity Tuning for Remote Detection of Hidden Defects in Aircraft Structure”
Joseph Rose, professor
Thomas R. Hay, graduate student
Colorado State University: “Crack Dimensional Analysis and Modeling Optimization of Tight Crack Detection in Metals Using Coaxial Sensors at Microwave Frequencies”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Narisi Wang, graduate student
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: “Health Monitoring of an FRP Bridge Deck”
John C. Duke, professor
Marybeth Miceli, graduate student
State University of New York at Buffalo: “A Nondestructive Magnetic Testing Method for Assessment of Mechanical Properties and Materials Damage in Ferritic Steels”
Harsh Chopra and Robert Wetherhold, professors
Kevin Kankolenski and David Yang, graduate students
The Georgia Institute for Technology: “Nondestructive Measurement of Residual Stresses in Crystals by Automatic Near Infrared Photoelasticity”
Steven Danyluk, professor
Tieyu Zheng, graduate student
Johns Hopkins University: “High Resolution Laser Ultrasonic C‐scan of Protective Coatings”
James Spicer, professor
Christopher Richardson, graduate student
Colorado State University: “Microwave Analysis and Modeling of Surface Crack Detection in Metals Using Open‐ended Coaxial Lines”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Yong Wang, graduate student
Johns Hopkins University: “NDE of Ultra‐light Metals”
Robert E. Green, Jr., professor
Amy Waters, graduate student
University of Missouri–Columbia: “Measurement of Acoustic Fields within Materials and Inversion to Elastic Constraints and Attenuation”
Steven P. Neal, professor
Matthew L. Wicks, graduate student
Johns Hopkins University: “Microwave Dielectrometry of Plastics”
James W. Wagner, professor
Jennifer Schlegel, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University: “Corrosion Detection with Ultrasonic Guided Waves Using Comb Tranducers”
Joseph L. Rose, professor
Michael J. Quarry, graduate student
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: “Proposal for Acoustic Emission Technique for Machine Insulation Diagnosis”
J. Keith Nelson, professor
Hong Li, graduate student
Iowa State University: “Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Crack Modeling”
William Lord, professor
Gregory Kobidze, graduate student
Johns Hopkins University: “Determination and Monitoring of Through Hole Diameters in Printed Circuit Boards during Electrolytic Plating”
Robert E. Green, Jr., professor
Tobias P. Berndt, graduate student
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: “Development of Image Analysis Techniques for Assessment of Pavements and Infrastructure Components”
John C. Duke, Jr., professor
Michael Scott, graduate student
The Ohio State University: “Development of a New Ultrasonic Method for Residual Stress Determination in Anisotropic Materials”
Stanislav I. Rokhlin, professor
Andrey Degtyar, graduate student
The University of Virginia: “High Resolution Neutron Radioscopy and Computed Tomography”
Jack S. Brenzier, professor
Dudley A. Raine, III, graduate student
Colorado State University: “Ultra High Resolution Thickness Measurements of Slabs and Disbonds Using an Open‐Ended Waveguide”
Reza Zoughi, professor
Sheila D. Gray, graduate student
Clarkson University: “Nondestructive Temperature Measurement in Enclosures with Hidden Surfaces Using the Inverse Radiation Heat Transfer Method”
Eric F. Thacher, professor
Joseph C. Craparo, graduate student
Georgia Institute of Technology: “Nondestructive Measurement of Fatigue in Thin Metal Films”
Steven Danyluk, professor
Kasey Ghaffari, graduate student
Wayne State University: “Nondestructive Characterization of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Polymer Composite Laminates by Use of Damping Measurements”
Ronald F. Gibson, professor
Hui Zhao, graduate student
Cornell University: “Detecting Voids in Post‐tensioned Concrete Structures Using the Impact Echo Method”
Mary Sansalone, professor
Barbara Jaeger, graduate student
Rutgers University: “Nondestructive Testing of Pavements by the Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves”
Nenad Gucunski and M.H. Maher, professors
Vahid Ganji, graduate student
Johns Hopkins University: “Nondestructive Testing of Defects in Thick Composites Containing Imbedded Sensors”
Robert E. Green, Jr., professor
Christopher Byrne, graduate student
University of Missouri–Columbia: “A Model‐Based Approach to Acoustic Noise Power Spectrum Estimation”
Steven P. Neal, professor
Mark D. Russell, graduate student
The Ohio State University: “Development of Stereoscopic Three‐Dimensional Computer‐aided Tomography”
Stanislav I. Rokhlin, professor
Michael Donahue, graduate student
Pennsylvania State University, Engineering Science and Mechanics Department: “Development of a System for In‐Process Characterization of Properties and Forming Characteristics of Copper Alloy Strip”
Clayton Ruud, professor
Krzystofer “Kris” Kozaczek, graduate student
Duke University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science: “Correlation Studies of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopic Measurements with Dielectric Loss and Dynamic Mechanical Loss Spectroscopic Measurements in Amorphous Polystyrene”
Phil Jones, professor
Kevin R. Lyn, graduate student
University of Alabama in Huntsville, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering: “A Fiber‐Optic Based Thermal Acousto‐optic System for Non‐contacting Nondestructive Evaluation”
John A. Gilbert, professor
Bruce R. Peters, graduate student
Oklahoma University, School of Aerospace: “Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering”
Davis M. Egle and Ronald A. Kline, professors
Chia-Pin Hsiao, graduate student
Drexel University, Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics Department: “Anomaly Identification in Composite Materials”
Joseph L. Rose, professor
Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Material Science and Engineering: “Nondestructive Measurement of Crack Propagation during Fracture Mechanics Testing of Compact Tension in Metal Specimens”
Robert E. Green, Jr., professor
Sanford Buxbaum, graduate student
Colorado State University, Dept. of Electrical Engineering: “Residual and Active Leakage Field Modeling”
William Lord, professor
Scott Heath, graduate student
The Ohio State University, Dept. of Welding Engineering: “NDE Characterization of Weld Metal”
Laszlo Adler, professor
Shaio-Wen Wang, graduate student
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